The Druze religion is a universal religion in which monotheism is the central axis. The religion is secret and is known only to a small group of members of the community called the “Okal,” while the rest of the Druze are called the “Johal”. Religion is not ritualistic but similar to neo-Platonic philosophy.
According to the Druze belief, people who lived in the time of al-Hakam Bamer Allah were given the last chance to join the Muhadun. THIS NEEDS TO BE EXPLAINED. Nowadays, no one can join the Druze religion unless he was born a Druze.
The belief in one and only God
The belief in the reincarnation of souls
a belief in the five prophets who founded and wrote the books of the Druze religion, which is symbolized by the Druze flag in five colors: green, red, yellow, blue, and white
It is forbidden to lie and to deny the existence of God. Gossip, false oaths, profanity, ridicule and speaking with contempt of others is also forbidden
The belief that God created eyes for people to look at wise books and see the wonders that God created, from which all will learn and grow wise
A commandment on the ear to not listen to gossip and lies and anything else that can harm the mind, soul and heart
The duty to participate in communal social life by attending weddings, funerals, and visiting the sick. The same principle applies to being together while protecting religion, family honor, the land, the community, and the state
The rich must contribute towards the needy. The poor should not be wasteful. Every person should give charity according to their ability to give
each adult must write a will, through which others will inherit his assets
A father is responsible for the education of his sons, while the mother is responsible for the education of her daughters