May your friend's honor be as good as yours

Pirkei Avot 2:10

The organization seeks to map out and uncover areas in which positive action is required.

We also initiate projects that aim to address these areas by bringing the public’s attention to the issues.

We believe that the path forward to creating a healthy and egalitarian society in Israel is based on the foundations of educational empowerment while cultivating community initiatives based on the values of giving.

The organization’s members and volunteers work within the Druze, Arab and Jewish sectors in order to promote values of peace, mutual aid, advanced education for all, and assistance to the needy.

Reuel is a non-profit organization leading unique initiatives on issues unaddressed by other organizations, with the mission of creating positive change in both Israeli and Druze societies.

The organization’s involvement in unique fields creates a special opportunity which, with the help of effective planning and implementation, enables the Druze community to engage in social and educational activities that enhance society as a whole.

About us

Reuel is dedicated to bringing together the Druze and Judaism communities in Israel.

This goal is driven by the promotion of educational and cultural activities, as well as the development of a discourse between the two communities to foster a democratic and peace-loving society.

Our Values

We strive to develop an enhanced sense of positive coexistence between the various sectors of Israeli society


Our vision is based on uplifting people with special needs to strengthen all members of our society


Our youth is our future, and we strive to support young people to be well-rounded, educated and generous people who give back to their communities


We work tirelessly to raise awareness of the environment and to assist in the conservation of our environmental treasures

About the Druze Community

The Druze religion is an Arabic-speaking monotheistic religion that began as a movement in Shiite Islam in the 11th century and was formed in Egypt during the reign of the sixth Fatimid caliph, al-Hakam Bamer Allah (the governor in the commandment of God, الحاكم بأمر الله).

About the Judaism Community

Within the world’s Jewish population there are distinct ethnic divisions, most of which are primarily the result of geographic branching from an originating Israelite population, and subsequent independent evolutions. An array of Jewish communities was established by Jewish settlers in various places around the Old World, often at great distances from one another, resulting in effective and often long-term isolation.

Druze Faith

The Druze religion is a universal religion in which monotheism is the central axis. The religion is secret and is known only to a small group of members of the community called the “Okal,” while the rest of the Druze are called the “Johal”. Religion is not ritualistic but similar to neo-Platonic philosophy.

Judaism Faith

Judaism is an Abrahamic ethnic religion comprising the collective religious, cultural, and legal tradition and civilization of the Jewish people. Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the covenant that God established with the Children of Israel.

Judaism in Israel

The Druze have lived in the Land of Israel since the religion was founded about 1,000 years ago, between the 11th and 13th centuries. The Druze population typically established their villages in mountainous regions. In their first and second waves of settlement, the Druze settled in the Lower Galilee, in the Kishon Gorge and in the northern coastal plain of Israel.

Druze in Israel

The Druze have lived in the Land of Israel since the religion was founded about 1,000 years ago, between the 11th and 13th centuries. The Druze population typically established their villages in mountainous regions. In their first and second waves of settlement, the Druze settled in the Lower Galilee, in the Kishon Gorge and in the northern coastal plain of Israel.

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